Centre de Documentation de Papyrologie Littéraire

Base de données Mertens-Pack 3 en ligne

Mertens-Pack³ MP³ 78   TM 59084   LDAB 179   DCLP 59084   Version française
Publication nameP.Paris 71
InventoryP.Louvre E 3320, nouv. n° 71
LocationParis, Musée du Louvre
Language Grec
Provenance Saqqara

For example:
IIa = II century BC
IIex = end of the II century AD
IIun = beginning of the II century AD

milieu I
Author Alcman
Title of the work Partheneion
Content description

Valid only for texts without a known title

Author's name in quotation? Oui
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Aristophanes (< Byzantium)    
Author's name in quotation? Oui
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Author's name in quotation? Oui
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Author's name in quotation? Oui
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Author's name in quotation? Oui
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Author's name in quotation? Oui
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Hesiodus   Theogonia   116
Author's name in quotation? Oui
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Homerus   Odyssea   XXXIV 11-12
Author's name in quotation? Oui
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -

Type of litteraturePoésie

Valid only for texts without an known author (adespota)

(Identifié par l'auteur)
Codicological remark- -

P.Paris 71

Images C. Questa - R. Raffaelli, Il libro e il testo (Urbino, 1984) pl. 13; GMAW, pl. 16; CLGP I 1.2.1, pl. I-VII;
Image in Liège
Bibliography Diehl, Anth. Lyr. 21.7-14
Edmonds, LG 1050-59
A. Farina, Studi sul Partenio di Alcmane (Naples 1950)
Galiano, LG 129-30
A. Garzya, Alcmane: I frammenti (Naples 1954), fr. 1, pp. 9-76, 177-78
Lavagnini, Aglaia 184-93
Lesky, GGL 142-43
D.L. Page, Alcman: The Partheneion (Oxfors 1951)
Page, PMG 1
F. Blass, Rh. Mus. 25 (1870) 177-201, ibid. 40(1885) 1-24
idem, Hermes 13 (1878) 15-32, ibid. 14 (1879) 466-68
G. Bruschi, Riv. Fil.. 23 (1895) 504-63
H. Diels, Hermes 31 (1896)339-74
H. Jurenka, Sitb. Wien. Akad., 1896, 1-35
R.C. Kukula, Philol. 66 (1907) 202-30
W.W. Wilson, AJP 33 (1912) 57-67
F. Wiedemann, Berl. Phil. Woch. 33 (1913) 1405-6
C.M. Bowra, CQ 28 (1934) 35-44
B.A.. van Groningen, Mnemos., Ser. 3.3 (1935-36) 241-61
D.L. Page, CQ 31 (1937) 94-101
F. Schwenn, Rh. Mus. 86 (1937) 289-315
J.A. Davison, Hermes 73 (1938) 440-58
F. Stoessl, Eumusia: Festgabe für Ernst Howald... (Erlenbach-Zürich 1947) 93-106
F. Scheidweiler, Rh. Mus. 93 (1950) 242-49
A. Garzya, GIF 5 (1952) 263-66
J. Tailladat, Rev. Phil. , Sér. 3.27 (1953) 131-34
J.G. Griffith, Fifty Years Cl. Schol. 40-41, 65-66
E. Risch, Mus. Helv. 11 (1954) 20-37
M. Treu, Gnomon 26 (1954) 168-174
P. von der Mühll, Mus. Helv. 15 (1958) 83
J.A. Davison, Proc. IX Int. Congr.Pap. 30-42
P. Janni, Riv. Fil., NS 40 (1962) 180-85
L. Nicastri, AnnNap 10 (1962-1963) 7-17
A. Arena, RSC 12 (1964) 51-61
B. Marzullo, Philologus 108 (1964) 174-210
G. Devereux, CQ NS 15 (1965) 176-184 et Hermes 94 (1966) 129-134
M.L. West, CQ NS 15 (1965) 188-202
P. Janni, Maia NS 17 (1965) 273-77
Th.G. Rosenmeyer, GRBS 7 (1966) 321-59
C.O. Pavese, QUCC N 4 (1967) 113-33
R. Arena, Rendiconti della Classe di Lettere e Scienze Morali e Storiche dell'Istituto Lombardo 104 (1970) 307-314
A. Griffiths, QUCC N 14 (1972) 7-30
G.B. Pighi, Studi di ritmica e metrica (Turin, 1970) 87-105
R. Führer, ZPE 11 (1973) 130
T. Gargiulo, QUCC 34 = NS 5 (1980) 29-36
S. Nannini, MCr 13-14 (1978-1979) 49-72
M. Vetta, QUCC 39 = NS 10 (1982) 127-136
Ch. Segal, Mnemosyne 4° s., 36 (1983) 260-275
S.J. Naughton, MPhL 7 (1986) 125-127
D.A. Campbell, QUCC NS 26, 2 (1987) 67-72
Ch. Xydas, Stasinos. Deltio tou Sundesmou Hellen Philol. Kuprou (Leucosia) 9 (1986-1988) 69-78
V. Hinz, ZPE 99 (1993) 15-16
M.G. Bonanno, Eikasmos 2 (1991) 9-11 et Studi di filologia classica in onore di Giusto Monaco I (Palermo, 1991) 103-109
O. Pavese, Il grande Partenio di Alcmane (Amsterdam, 1992 = Lexis. Supplemento 1)
E. Tsitsibakou-Vasalos, MD 30 (1993) 129-151
E. Dettori, RivFil 127 (1999) 182-196
A.L. Klinck, Hermes 129 (2001) 276-279
J.A. Salvador Castillo, Actas del VIII Congreso español de estudios clásicos (Madrid, 23-28 de septiembre de 1991) II (Madrid, 1994) 415-422
A. Athanassakis, AncW 31 (2000) 5-14
A.I. Ivantchik, Ktema 27 (2002) 257-264 et VDI 249, 2 (2004) 81-88
M. Silveira Cyrino, CJ 100 (2004) 25-34
A.-E. Peponi, Arethusa 37, 3 (2004) 295-316
K. Tsantsanoglou, Hellenika 56 (2006) 7-30
J.M. Priestley, Mnemosyne 4a s., 60 (2007) 175-195
C. Neri, Eikasmos 20 (2009) 10-18
S. Caciagli, ibid., 19-45
M. Ercoles, ibid., 47-59
S. Valente, ibid., 61-66
R.D. Luginbill, QUCC 121 = NS 92 (2009) 27-54
A. Dale, ZPE 176 (2011) 24-38
Z. Adorjani, APF 60 (2014) 290-298
McNamee, Marg. et Abbr.
Ead., Annotations
GMAW, p. 44
Cavallo, Scrittura 57
Alcman 5 CLGP
F. Schironi, dans L. Battezzato - G.B. D'Alessio, Κόσμος ἐπέων. Studi offerti a F. Ferrari = MD 76 (2016) 33-52