Centre de Documentation de Papyrologie Littéraire

Base de données Mertens-Pack 3 en ligne

Mertens-Pack³ MP³ 89   TM 59126   LDAB 221   DCLP 59126   Version française
Publication nameP.Mil.Vogl. 1.17
Inventory- -
LocationLe Caire, Musée des Antiquités égyptiennes
Language Grec
Provenance Hermopolis

For example:
IIa = II century BC
IIex = end of the II century AD
IIun = beginning of the II century AD

Author Antimachus (< Colophon)
Title of the work Artemis et Thebaïs
Content description

Valid only for texts without a known title

Homerus   Ilias   VI 268, X 394
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Mimnermus   Smyrneis   (Page GLP 1, n° 101)
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by :
Theophrastus   De aquis  
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Antimachus (< Colophon)    
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Callimachus   Aetia (?)  
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
(H)agias-Dercylus   Argolica  
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Hecataeus (< Abdera)    
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Hesiodus   Catalogus   fr. 11 Rzach
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Homerus   Odyssea   XIII 106, XVI 317
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Hesiodus   Op. incerta  
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -

Type of litteraturePoésie

Valid only for texts without an known author (adespota)

(Identifié par l'auteur)
Codicological remark- -

P.Mil.Vogl. 1.17

Images éd., pl. 1; CPF IV 2, pl. 120
Image in Liège
Bibliography APF 13. 81-84
B. Snell, Gnomon 15 (1939) 533-34
I. Cazzaniga, ParPass 22 (1967) 63-74 et 363-66
P. Carrara, Prometheus 6 (1980) 271-3 et 12 (1986) 213-216
A.C. Cassio, RivFil 117 (1989) 257-275
V.J. Matthews, LCM 18 (1993) 86-88 et Antimachus of Colophon. Text and Commentary (Leyde, 1996)
M.R. Falivene, Studia classica Iohanni Tarditi oblata I (Milano, 1995 = Biblioteca di Aevum antiquum 7) 145-157
M.A. Harder, Mnemosyne 4a s., 51 (1998) 629-38
L. Lulli, Narrare in distici. L'elegia greca arcaica e classica di argomento storico-mitico (Rome, 2011 = Quaderni dei Seminari Romani di Cultura Greca 13) 32
M. Ornaghi, SEP 12 (2015) 37-52
M.R. Falivene, Omaggio...G. Bastianini (Florence, 2016 = PapFlor XLV) 217-222
McNamee, Marg.
Del Fabbro 31
CPF I 1***, 103.5T
S. Coen, APapyrol 33 (2021) 105-118