Centre de Documentation de Papyrologie Littéraire

Base de données Mertens-Pack 3 en ligne

Mertens-Pack³ MP³ 177.1   TM 59342   LDAB 441   DCLP 59342   Version française
Publication nameP.Oxy. 23.2368
Inventory- -
LocationOxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms (olim Ashmolean Museum)
Language Grec
Provenance Oxyrhynchus

For example:
IIa = II century BC
IIex = end of the II century AD
IIun = beginning of the II century AD

Author Bacchylides
Title of the work Dithyrambes
Sections 22-23 (Snell - Maehler = fr. Di. 1-2 Irigoin)
Content description

Valid only for texts without a known title

Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Dionysius (< Phaselis)    
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -

Attribution proposed by : J. Irigoin
Comment :
Type of litteraturePoésie

Valid only for texts without an known author (adespota)

(Identifié par l'auteur)
Codicological remarkmême main que 74 et 1631.1

P.Oxy. 23.2368

Images éd., pl. VI; POxy Online
Image in Liège
Bibliography Galiano, LG 146
C. Gallavotti, Gnomon 29 (1957) 420
W. Luppe, ZPE 69 (1987) 9-12 et AnPap 1 (1989) 23-29
L. Käppel - R. Kannicht, ZPE 73 (1988) 19-24
I. Rutherford, Eos 79 (1991) 5-12
J. Irigoin, Bacchylide (Paris, CUF, 1993) XXXVI (Papyrus B)
G. Ucciardello, AnPap 8/9 (1996/7) 61-88 et 12 (2000) 63-93
W. Luppe, APF 53 (2007) 6
T.A. Hadjimichael, BASP 51 (2014) 77-100
McNamee, Marg. et Abbr.
Ead., Annotations
Del Fabbro 53
SH 293
Bacchylides 4 CLGP