Centre de Documentation de Papyrologie Littéraire

Base de données Mertens-Pack 3 en ligne

Mertens-Pack³ MP³ 456.21   TM 59960   LDAB 1072   DCLP 59960   Version française
Publication nameInventoryLocation
P.Lit.Lond. 169Brit.Libr. 113 [15b]Londres, British Library
- - Bodl.Libr. Gr.cl.g.69(P)Oxford, Bodleian Library
Language Grec
Provenance Fayoum

For example:
IIa = II century BC
IIex = end of the II century AD
IIun = beginning of the II century AD

VI (Luiselli; V/VI ed. post.)
Author Galenus
Title of the work De antidotis
Sections I 8-9
Content description

Valid only for texts without a known title

Type of litteratureProse

Valid only for texts without an known author (adespota)

Médecine et chirurgie
MaterialCodex papyrus
Codicological remark- -

P.Lit.Lond. 169
R. Luiselli, GMP, I 3
M. Gronewald, ZPE, 93, 1992, 24-25

Images  CPF IV 2 (2008) pl. 79; (Bodl.Libr.) GMP I, pl. III; British Library Website
Image in Liège
Bibliography Pr. med. 98-99
A.E. Hanson, NSAM 20 (1992) 133
Marganne 105
Andorlini 82
CPF I 2*, 14.1