Centre de Documentation de Papyrologie Littéraire

Base de données Mertens-Pack 3 en ligne

Mertens-Pack³ MP³ 538   TM 60185   LDAB 1302   DCLP 60185   Version française
Publication namePSI 2.116
Inventory- -
LocationFlorence, Biblioteca Laurenziana
Language Grec
Provenance Oxyrhynchus

For example:
IIa = II century BC
IIex = end of the II century AD
IIun = beginning of the II century AD

IIIex. (Cavallo; II/III éd.)
Author Hippocrates med.
Title of the work Epidemiae
Sections III 1.9-12
Content description

Valid only for texts without a known title

Type of litteratureProse

Valid only for texts without an known author (adespota)

Médecine et chirurgie
Codicological remark- -

PSI 2.116

Images éd., pl. 2; Mostra2, pl. LIII; CD PLBML; PSI online; CPF IV 2 (2008) pl. 149e
Image in Liège
Bibliography G. Cavallo, RMB 119
Marganne 158
Andorlini 18
Mostra 291
Mostra2 66
CPF I 2*, 18.15
Cavallo, Scrittura 111