Centre de Documentation de Papyrologie Littéraire

Base de données Mertens-Pack 3 en ligne

Mertens-Pack³ MP³ 616   TM 60571   LDAB 1695   DCLP 60571   Version française
Publication nameP.Haw. 24-28
InventoryBodl.Libr. Gr.cl.a.1(P)
LocationOxford, Bodleian Library
Language Grec
Provenance Hawara

For example:
IIa = II century BC
IIex = end of the II century AD
IIun = beginning of the II century AD

II (Cavallo, Akten; milieu II Turner, GMAW; II/III Seider)
Author Homerus
Title of the work Ilias
Sections I 506-510, II 1-6, 45-49, 111-115, 155-157, 200-206, 223-228, 245-253, 267 (?)-270 (?), 289-292, 322-332, 333-354, 368-382, 389-405, 411-422, 431-447, 454-511 (?), 512-621, 624-877 (om. 842)
Content description

Valid only for texts without a known title

Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -

Type of litteraturePoésie

Valid only for texts without an known author (adespota)

(Identifié par l'auteur)
Codicological remark- -

P.Haw. 24-28
M. Vanberg, L'Iliade d'Hawara, 1987-1988
A.A. Koenig, The Hawara Homer

Images Bassi, MIG, pl. LIV; Kenyon, PGP, pl. XX; New Pal. Soc., Ser. 1, vol. 2, pl. 126 (b); G. Cavallo, RMB, pl. 2; Id., OR, pl. 8; Erbse, loc. cit.; GRBS 12 (1971) pl. 7; Seider, PGP II 2, pl. XII, 23; GMAW, pl. 13;  Cavallo, Scrittura, pl. 73, CSAD website; Schironi, To mega biblion 28
Image in Liège
Bibliography P.Bodl. I, p. 313
Collart 2
Bassi, MIG n° 148
Thompson, GLP, n° 18, p. 142
Ludwich, PC 6-7
G. Cavallo, RMB 5, 15-18, 25-27, 33
Id., Akten XIII C.I.P. (Munich, 1974) 464
Erbse, Scholia Graeca in Homeri Iliadem I, pap. I
Turner, GMAW, p. 38
McNamee, Marg. et Abbr.
Ead., Annotations
A.L. Nardi, SCO 26 (1977) 133-155
Pap. Exhib. n° 21
H. Van Thiel, ZPE 90 (1992) 1-32
Cavallo, Scrittura 95
Schironi, To mega Biblion 28