Centre de Documentation de Papyrologie Littéraire

Base de données Mertens-Pack 3 en ligne

Mertens-Pack³ MP³ 1237   TM 61292   LDAB 2434   DCLP 61292   Version française
Publication nameInventoryLocation
P.Oxy. 15.1790 - - Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms (olim Ashmolean Museum)
P.Oxy. 17.2081 f - - Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms (olim Ashmolean Museum)
Language Grec
Provenance Oxyrhynchus

For example:
IIa = II century BC
IIex = end of the II century AD
IIun = beginning of the II century AD

2e moitié IIa (Hellenistic Bookhands 45; Ia éd.; IIa Turner, GMAW)
Author Ibycus
Title of the work
Content description

Valid only for texts without a known title

Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Lysimachus   Sur Teucer  
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : Pfeiffer, Callim. 1, p. 498

Attribution proposed by : J.P. Barron, CR NS 11 [1961] 185-87
Comment :
Attribution proposed by :
Comment : (contre cette attribution, v. Galiano, LG 131, 133)
Type of litteraturePoésie

Valid only for texts without an known author (adespota)

(Identifié par l'auteur)
Codicological remark- -

P.Oxy. 15.1790
P.Oxy. 17.2081 f

Images BICS 16 (1969) pll. V-VI; S&T 17 (2019) tavv. 1-8; GMAW, pl. 20; Cavallo, Scrittura, pl. 26; Hellenistic Bookhands 45 (P.Oxy. 15.1790)
Image in Liège
Bibliography fr. S 151 Davies
K. Alpers, Hermes 96 (1968) 127-28
B. Gentili, QUCC 4 (1967) 177-81 et Studi in onore di Anthos Ardizzoni I (Rome, 1978) 391-401
F. Sisri, QUCC 4 (1967) 59-79
J.P. Barron, BICS 16 (1969) 119-149 et pll. V-VI
Id., ibid. 31 (1984) 13-24
D.L. Page, CR NS 21 (1971) 317-18
Gianotti, RivFil 101 (1973) 401-410
Cockle, Actes XIII C. I. P. 86, n. 1
F. Uebel, APF 24-25 (1976) 245-246
A. Gostoli, QUCC 31 = NS 2 (1979) 93-99
L. Simonini, Acme 32 (1979) 285-98
M.G. Bonanno, MCr 13-14 (1978-1979) 143-146
S. Nannini, ibid., 49-72
J. Péron, RevPhil 56 (1982) 33-56
C. Gallavotti, BollClass 3° s., 2 (1981) 120-135
C. Questa - R. Raffaelli, Il libro e il testo (Urbino, 1984) 96-97 et pl. 4
L. Woodbury, Phoenix 39 (1985) 193-220
E. Cingano, ZPE 79 (1989) 27-38 et Lirica greca e latina. Atti del convegno di studi polacco-italiano (Poznan 2-5 maggio 1990) = AION (filol) 12 (1990 [1992]) 189-224
M. Davies, Poetarum Melicorum Graecorum Fragmenta I (Oxford, 1991)
G. D'Anna, Studi di filologia classica in onore di Giusto Monaco I (Palermo, 1991) 133-144
Puglia, La cura 35, 51, 56
E. Cavallini, Eikasmos 6 (1995) 15-20
L. Tafuro, PapLup 5 (1997) 213-9
A. Pardini, RCCM 43 (2001) 39-46
G. Ucciardello, dans S. Grandolini (éd.), Lirica e teatro in Grecia. Il testo e la sua ricezione. Atti del II Incontro di Studi, Perugia, 23-24 gennaio 2003 (Naples, 2005) 21-88
GMAW, p. 48
McNamee, Marg. et Annotations
A. Hardie, MD 70 (2013) 9-26
K. McNamee, 
dans G. Nocchi Macedo &
M.C. Scappaticcio, Signes dans les textes, textes sur les signes (Liège, 2017 = PapLeod 6) 130
F. Cairns, Prometheus 43 (2017) 43-55
E.E. Prodi, S&
T 17 (2019) 1-34
Cavallo, Scrittura 47-48, 65, 78
Hellenistic Bookhands 45