Centre de Documentation de Papyrologie Littéraire

Base de données Mertens-Pack 3 en ligne

Mertens-Pack³ MP³ 1355.2   TM 62519   LDAB 3700   DCLP 62519   English version
Publication name - -
InventoryP.Berol. 16367
LocationBerlin, Staatliche Museen preussischer Kulturbesitz, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung (Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse, 6)
Language Grec
Provenance Abousir el Melek

For example:
IIa = II century BC
IIex = end of the II century AD
IIun = beginning of the II century AD

Author Pindarus
Title of the work              
Sections VI 25-35
Content description

Valid only for texts without a known title

Type of litteraturePoésie

Valid only for texts without an known author (adespota)

(Identifié par l'auteur)
Codicological remark- -

W. Müller, Forsch. u. Ber. , 10, 1968, 122-3 (n° 8)

Images éd., pl. 22; BerlPap website
Image in Liège
Bibliography Uebel 1376
P41 Snell - Maehler
A. Tessier, Tradizione metrica di Pindaro (Padoue, 1995) 37
W. Brashear, Actes XXII C.I.P. (Florence, 2001) 152, n. 5
Entry in the digital collection https://berlpap.smb.museum/04109/