Centre de Documentation de Papyrologie Littéraire

Base de données Mertens-Pack 3 en ligne

Mertens-Pack³ MP³ 2752.1   TM 59453   LDAB 552   DCLP 59453   Version française
Publication nameP.Monts.Roca 1
InventoryP.Monts.Roca 166-178
LocationMontserrat, Monastère de Montserrat
Language Grec
Provenance Thébaïde

For example:
IIa = II century BC
IIex = end of the II century AD
IIun = beginning of the II century AD

2e moitié IV
Title of the work
Content description

Valid only for texts without a known title

Liste de 2368 mots en 6 groupes alphabétiques apparemment à l'usage de l'enseignement de la tachygraphie
Hippocrates med.    
Author's name in quotation? Oui
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Author's name in quotation? Oui
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Author's name in quotation? Oui
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Author's name in quotation? Oui
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Oui
Quotation identified by : - -
Menander   Anepsioi  
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Oui
Quotation identified by : - -
Menander   Aphrodision  
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Oui
Quotation identified by : - -
Menander   Dyscolus  
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Oui
Quotation identified by : - -
Menander   Desidaimon  
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Oui
Quotation identified by : - -
Menander   Demiourgos  
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Oui
Quotation identified by : - -
Menander   Didymoi  
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Oui
Quotation identified by : - -
Menander   Epicleros  
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Oui
Quotation identified by : - -
Menander   Epitrepontes  
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Oui
Quotation identified by : - -
Menander   Thesaurus  
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Oui
Quotation identified by : - -
Menander   Citharista  
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Oui
Quotation identified by : - -
Menander   Menargytes  
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Oui
Quotation identified by : - -
Menander   Naucleros  
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Oui
Quotation identified by : - -
Menander   Nemesis  
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Oui
Quotation identified by : - -
Menander   Rapizomene  
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Oui
Quotation identified by : - -
Menander   Chreste  
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Oui
Quotation identified by : - -

Type of litteratureProse

Valid only for texts without an known author (adespota)

MaterialCodex papyrus
Codicological remarkp. 81-106 du même codex miscellaneus qui contient aussi 2916.41, 2921.1, 2998.1, 2998.11, 9503 et 9907; la même main a copié les textes grecs et latins

P.Monts.Roca 1

Images éd., pl. I-XXVI
Image in Liège
Bibliography A. Papathomas, BASP 44 (2007) 211-217
K.A. Worp, AnPap 21-22 (2009-2010) 121-125
G. Nocchi Macedo, dans M.-H. Marganne &
B. Rochette (éd.), Bilinguisme et digraphisme dans le monde gréco-romain: l'apport des papyrus latins. Actes de la Table Ronde internationale (Liège, 12-13 mai 2011) (Liège, 2013 = Papyrologica Leodensia 2) 139-167
Id., L'Alceste de Barcelone (P. Monts. Roca inv. 158-161) (Liège, 2014 = Papyrologica Leodiensia 3) 47-48
T. Ghigo &
S. Torallas Tovar, dans P. Buzi (éd.), Coptic Literature in Context (4th-13th cent.): Cultural Landscape, Literary Production, and Manuscript Archaeology (Rome, 2020 = PaST. Percorsi, Strumenti e Temi di Archeologia, 5) 101-114 (accessible en ligne)
CPF II.3 GNOM 1, 36-40