Centre de Documentation de Papyrologie Littéraire

Base de données Mertens-Pack 3 en ligne

Mertens-Pack³ MP³ 2861   TM 59431   LDAB 530   DCLP 59431   Version française
Publication nameP.Oxy. 27.2463
InventoryBrit.Libr. 3046
LocationLondres, British Library
Language Grec
Provenance Oxyrhynchus

For example:
IIa = II century BC
IIex = end of the II century AD
IIun = beginning of the II century AD

Title of the work
Content description

Valid only for texts without a known title

Commentaire à un texte poétique (Lycophron ?) ou mythographie (?) : sur l'histoire de Poimandros
Rhianus   Heraclea  
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Aristophanes (< Thebae)   Boeotica  
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -
Lycophron   Alexandra   326 sq
Author's name in quotation? Non
Title in quotation? Non
Quotation identified by : - -

Attribution proposed by : E. Livrea
Comment :
Theon gramm.   Commentaire à Lycophron, Alexandra 326 sq (?) (éd.)
Attribution proposed by :
Comment :
Type of litteratureProse

Valid only for texts without an known author (adespota)

Pièces non identifiées de prose
Codicological remark↓ (→ doc.: registre de taxes)

P.Oxy. 27.2463

Images éd., pl. X
Image in Liège
Bibliography H. Lloyd-Jones, Gnomon 35 (1963) 449-450
E. Livrea, CQ 39 (1989) 141-147 et Studia Hellenistica 1 (1991) 197
N. Gonis, dans P.Oxy. 64, p. 116
C.D. De Luca, Rudiae 7 (1995) 191-196
McNamee, Marg.
Del Fabbro 63
SH 715
Suppl. SH 257-8
A. Hurst &
A. Kolde, Lycophron. Alexandra (Paris, CUF, 2008) LX (P6)
 S. Coen, SEP 20 (2024) 85-97